As the energy bill of French households represents a significant part of their yearly budget, the ADEME (Agency for the Environment and Energy Control) points out the poor insulation of French housing. Whether you want to save up on energy on a daily basis or to reduce your noise footprint, the following are simple gestures to adopt.
Choosing the right energy contract
Before tackling the issue of insulation, it is important to figure out which energy provider to use. This is a very simple step, which represents the starting point of any energy saving process.
Comparing French Energy provider
France has no less than thirty different energy providers. If you had to look at every website until you discovered a rare gem, you would waste a lot of time. Thankfully, you can easily find a free and independent energy comparison website. Making a comparison will enable you to sort out the offers of EDF, Engie, Enercoop, Planète OUI, or any other provider. It should be noted that the providers Direct Énergie and Total Spring merged in 2019 to become Total Direct Énergie, the 3rd largest provider in France.
Don’t hesitate to select the best offer for electricity or gas based on their subscription price, the rate of the kWh, the different options (for example peak vs off-peak hours), or even the origin (green energy).
How to sign up for EDF, Engie, Direct Énergie, ekWateur, etc. ?
Switching energy provider is very simple : as all energy contracts are commitment-free, you can switch providers for free at any time. To change your contract, you just need to contact the provider you have chosen and sign up for one of its electricity and/or gas offers. Then, the provider will take care of canceling your former contract for you. To know more about the process to sign up for EDF, Engie (former GDF), or any other energy provider, you can click here.
Walls and roofs: increasing the phonic and energetic performance
In order to protect yourself from outside noises, it is crucial to properly insulate the exterior walls as well as your roof. To achieve this, a design office needs to evaluate your housing’s sound resistance index and advise you on the work to be done so that it can reach 30 dB.
Don’t hesitate to take advantage of this as an opportunity to review the thermic insulation of your housing. According to the Agency for Ecological Transition, the proper insulation of the walls and roof can reduce your energy bill by over 30%.
To finance this work, you can count on national and local financial aids that seek to encourage private individuals to participate in the energy transition. To learn more about this topic, you can follow this link.
The importance of indoor insulation
Beyond insulating from the outside, you need to think about properly insulating the inside of your house. This work has a bit less impact than outer insulation, but will still be extremely useful for soundproofing and thermic insulation.
Firstly, you need to properly insulate your windows by installing double or triple glazing with reinforced insulation. This will not only prevent the cold from entering your housing, but also the sound from exiting.
Regarding the doors, you can easily improve their acoustic and thermic impermeability by proofing their frame with silicone border seals, for example.
Finally, for your indoor walls, you can simply install an insulating structure made from :
- natural cork ;
- wood fibers ;
- hemp ;
- recycled cotton.
You can also choose a more economical solution by applying insulating paint. Usually meant for thermic insulation, it will also act as a soundproofing system.